Friday, 2 November 2007

flash cs3 help file location in windows XP

For linking the Sepy's help to flash cs3 help files, the location for
windows XP:
C:\Document and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Flash CS3\\Configuration\HelpPanel\Help\
C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Flash CS3\\Configuration\HelpPanel\Help\
Mac: HD:/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Flash CS3//Configuration/HelpPanel/Help/

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

make text legible and sharp

Flash tends to lose it's sharpness when it comes to fonts. Althought they look perfectly sharp within the IDE, the published movies often are not that sharp anymore.

There are a few simple rules or workarounds to maintain the sharpness.

  • odd values for font sizes (9,11,13,15) cannot be scaled as well. use font sizes of even values.

  • defining the font as dynamic gives better quality, but don't forget to embed the appropriate fonts in the properties Bar

Monday, 6 August 2007

wmode @ key flash bug

I often encountered the problem that some of my flash files did not accept the @ symbol in forms. I had to use the US keyboard @-sign location to add it. this issue only seemed to be on PC, as macs did not have that issue.
The reason for this seems to come up as soon as you publish your movie in wmode( transparent window mode), then the movie only can accept US keyboard-key locations.

more here:

One Workasround could be:

keyPresser = new Object();
keyPresser.onChanged = function(intxt:TextField) {
if (34 == ((Key.getAscii())) || 64 == ((Key.getAscii()))) {
txt.text = intxt.text.slice(0,intxt.text.length-1) +”@”;

FileReference onComplete is not fired on Mac OS

onComplete not fired on Mac OS.
from what I could research on the internet, this issue seems still not have been resolved in flash player 9. partial solutions given here

but further research in progress.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

firefox flash tracer plugin

For Windows Vista these logfiles will normally be located in C:\Users\{Your User Name}\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\Logs\flashlog.txt

The directory shows up once you installed the debug player.
  • you do need the debug version of the flash player for the tracer to work.

  • I have observed quite a difference in performance with the tracer enabled, please share your experiences.

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

default dynamic text with scrollBar

I am trying to give an easy example of one of the many possibilities to have a dynamic text field with content fed from an external text file, being controlled by a self made scrollbar.

1. create your text file. I decided to go for a very simple html format. your flash movie, create a textfield on the stage.